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What Do You Really Know About Ladybugs in Your Garden?

Loving insects and bugs may seem strange, for all of them but the charming ladybug bug… These Ladybugs are members of the beetle family. Legend has it that the name ladybug came from European farmers, during the middle ages, who were praying Virgin Mary during……

Rain and your Garden

Is this whole gardening thingy new for you and you're just about to start making your inroads into the beautiful world of plants and flowers? So either new to gardening or maybe if just you could use a refresher course on planting before spring, here we go. Here's a hady list of 5 gardening basics to get you started on any garden project.

Determining Cold Damage

Sometimes, including the last winter, the freezing temperatures get so low, that it actually can harm your garden adn the plants, even the soil itself…. This year the area has seen many damage, including pants that make it through most winters unscathed. When you need…

Easy Ways To Improve Your Lawn

According to the latest research on home maintenance and garden care, the front lawn is the highest use area of your landscaping, especially if you have children or pets. This means that over time the soil under your grass can turn being very compacted. When…